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Solid particle counter
Solid particle counter

Solid particle counter

  • Category:electrical instrument
  • Date:2023-10-20
Consultation hotline:15806202008
  • summary

Counter refers to some commonly used timers. In mathematics, the main indicator is the number of digits on a 

counter, which facilitates students to recognize and understand the meaning of digits.

The particle size counter is used to detect the size and quantity of various particles in oil. Particles have become

 a discipline and are widely used in aviation, aerospace, navigation, electricity, petroleum, chemical industry, 

transportation, ports, metallurgy, machinery, automobiles, manufacturing and other fields, to detect solid particle

 pollution in various types of oil.

The particle size counter is mainly used for oil analysis, which can monitor and analyze the particle size, cleanliness, 

and pollutants of the oil; Hydraulic equipment and its daily maintenance and upkeep; Wear test of hydraulic 

components; Test for insoluble particles in pure solutions and ultrapure water.

Particle size counter product technology

Adopting the core technology of "light resistance measurement of particles", and adopting the classic methods

 of NAS1638 and ISO4406 in the oil industry, it can also built-in multiple standards according to user requirements.

To meet the defects of immovable testing of laboratory desktop computers, whether you are measuring online or in

 the laboratory, we will provide you with a comprehensive testing plan, making your testing more convenient.

Introducing an ultra precision flow electromagnetic control system, achieving dual control of constant injection speed 

and precise injection volume. The sampling volume can be set arbitrarily from 1ml to 60ml, ensuring accuracy.

The sensor adopts the classic "light resistance measurement particle" specialized sensor, which is more suitable for

 NAS1638 and ISO4406.

Built in threshold, particle size curve, and pulse resistance value, can be set to any channel particle size value.

Built in operating system and micro printer, it can be directly tested and printed without the need for external

 computers and printers.

Equipped with a standard serial RS232 port, it can be connected to an external computer to store detection results, 

facilitating data classification and retrieval.

It can be calibrated and calibrated according to standards such as GB/T18854-2002 (ISO11171-1999, JJG066-95).

Provide a paid instrument carrying case to meet your convenience.

According to customer requirements, we can provide a paid verification report of the high-quality and high particle size

 measurement and testing station "China Aviation Industry Particle Size Measurement and Testing Station".

Note: Granulology is an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary discipline composed of a large number

 of basic sciences and many related applied technologies. Most solids in nature exist in the form of particles, such as soil, 

sand, and dust. People's food is usually particulate matter, such as rice, wheat, soybeans, salt, and sucrose. Artificial 

products, such as coal powder, catalysts, cement, fertilizers, pigments, drugs, and explosives, are mostly in a powder 

state. The study of basic phenomena related to these substances is not only crucial for environmental protection and 

human health, but also provides a scientific and technological foundation for chemical, metallurgical, energy, and light

 industries. Granulology involves the measurement and calibration of particles, the formation and aggregation of particles, 

the separation of particles from gas and liquid, the transportation of solid particles, fluidization, fragmentation, balling,

 aerosols, and many other scientific and technical issues.

During the use of mechanical equipment, the cleanliness of the environment and various internal issues


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Contact person: Wang Yun

mobile phone:15806202008



Address: 9th Floor, Zhongqi Zero Building, Aigehao Road, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City

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