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吴忠Motor system renovation
吴忠Motor system renovation

吴忠Motor system renovation

  • Category:吴忠Motor system renovation
  • Date:2023-10-20
Consultation hotline:15806202008
  • summary

1) Low efficiency motor permanent magnetization remanufacturing - Upgrading from the original asynchronous motor to a permanent magnet synchronous motor, with a power saving rate of 5% -35%.

2) Customized transformation of non-standard and exported motors and specialized equipment.

Energy saving renovation of motors is the future trend

1、 Transforming the stator winding of the motor into a star delta hybrid series winding, and changing the star or triangle connection method according to the light and heavy load, is beneficial for improving the induced electromotive force waveform caused by the winding and reducing the electrical flow during winding operation, achieving the goal of high-efficiency and environmentally friendly motor energy-saving transformation.

2、 Disassembling and replacing the motor of the "big horse pulling small car" can easily cause damage to the machine equipment in addition to consuming electrical energy. In addition, effectively regulating the application of supporting facilities for the coal ball press motor can enable the motor to operate in efficient working areas, achieving the goal of energy-saving transformation of the motor.

3、 The cross-section of the transmission line from the joint to the energy meter and to the motor should reach the cable current carrying capacity, and the transmission line should be minimized as much as possible, reducing the resistance of the transmission line and reducing losses. The above strategies can be chosen separately or multiple options can be chosen separately. In summary, adopting some necessary technical environmental protection and energy-saving measures for the coal pressure ball machine motor is beneficial for the safe and stable operation of the power grid, and can also help customers reduce water and electricity expenses.

4、 Improving the efficiency of the coal press ball machine motor itself, such as changing the self cooling fan of the motor to its own cooling fan, can stop using the cooling fan when the load is not high or when the outdoor motor is in winter, which is beneficial for reducing energy consumption.

5、 The coal pressure ball machine purchased should first consider using high-efficiency, environmentally friendly, and energy-saving motors, and then consider other performance parameters as needed to save electricity.

6、 Choose other continuous variable speed operation methods. For example, applying variable voltage variable speed motors, variable pole motors, magnetic induction coupled variable speed motors, DC variable frequency variable speed equipment, etc.

7、 Effectively installing series bottom voltage capacitors for reactive power compensation, reasonably improving power factor, reducing reactive power consumption, and saving electricity. Complete energy-saving renovation of the motor.



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Contact person: Wang Yun

mobile phone:15806202008



Address: 9th Floor, Zhongqi Zero Building, Aigehao Road, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City

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