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江苏Maintenance process of 1600KVA transformer coil
江苏Maintenance process of 1600KVA transformer coil

江苏Maintenance process of 1600KVA transformer coil

  • Category:江苏Transformer maintenance
  • Date:2023-10-20
Consultation hotline:15806202008
  • summary

A system of electricity production and consumption consisting of power generation, transformation, transmission, distribution, and consumption. Its function is to convert primary energy from nature into electricity through power generation devices (mainly including boilers, steam turbines, generators, and auxiliary production systems in power plants), and then supply electricity to various load centers through transmission, transformation, and distribution systems. Through various equipment, it is then converted into different forms of energy such as power, heat, and light, serving the regional economy and people's lives.

Analysis of Factors Influencing High Voltage Transformer Testing

(1) Temperature influence.

Power transformers have a certain sensitivity to temperature, and the test results inevitably vary due to different external environmental temperatures, especially the specific materials that make up the power transformer. The impact of temperature is more prominent. During the test, as the temperature increases, the insulation resistance of the high-voltage transformer will decrease, which will have a significant impact and threat on the test results.

(2) Humidity impact.

For power transformer testing, the influence of humidity is also a relatively important aspect. The impact of humidity mainly refers to the increase in air moisture content caused by humidity, which affects the detection accuracy of power transformers. That is, it is difficult to obtain accurate data information during the test process, which will inevitably lead to the loss of control of the test results.

(3) The impact of boosting speed.

The reasons for problems in the operation of high-voltage transformers are multifaceted. They are not only affected and interfered with by the temperature and humidity in the external environment, but also to a large extent by the operating conditions of high-voltage transformers. For example, the boosting speed will have a certain impact on the leakage current, leading to a significant deviation from the theoretical value. This problem and impact mechanism are most obvious in large capacity transformers, It needs to be given sufficient attention.

Guarantee Measures for High Voltage Transformer Test

In response to the importance of high-voltage transformer testing and the possible influencing factors and interference issues in current specific operations, in order to improve the testing effect of power transformers under high voltage, it is necessary to firmly grasp the following points.

(1) Ensure the insulation of the power transformer.

For the testing and detection of high-voltage transformers, ensuring that their insulation meets the basic requirements of testing and detection to a large extent is an important aspect. This insulation mainly targets the power transformer itself, which is not only related to the accuracy of detection, but also closely related to ensuring personal safety. In terms of ensuring the insulation of power transformers, it is necessary to strictly control whether the power system is powered on or not, and to standardize the control of power cut off; Secondly, it is necessary to remove dirt and other impurities on the surface of the insulation layer structure of the power transformer itself to avoid affecting the effectiveness of the insulation layer; Finally, insulation protection for power transformer testers is also an important aspect.

(2) Accurately measure the DC resistance of the transformer.

Due to the direct relationship between the DC resistance and the reliability of the winding turns, accurate control of the DC resistance detection is also necessary for the testing and detection of high-voltage transformers. Based on this testing operation, two professionals are required to collaborate


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Contact person: Wang Yun

mobile phone:15806202008



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